Everyday changes you can make to your diet for better sugar control

Free eBook written by diabetes specialists and dietitians.

What you eat is arguably the most important factor in diabetes control. Even more so than the medication.

At NOVI, we have seen the impact that diet can play in improving control of diabetes.

We wanted to share our secrets and knowledge so you and your loved ones can start to benefit from these simple changes and see improvements right away!

Download our eBook today!

Everyday Changes You Can Make to Your Diet for Better Sugar Control eBook.png


  • How do different food groups affect your blood sugar?

  • 5 proven dietary tips anyone can incorporate to start improving blood sugar today

  • Continuous glucose monitoring - why this can be a game changer in improving blood glucose control

This eBook is easy to understand, filled with useful charts and infographics, and full of practical tips.

Simply subscribe to our newsletter to download it today!

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