5 Simple Dietary Tips for Improving Blood Sugar

What we cover

1. Control your portion sizes

2. Swap out refined carbohydrates

3. Add protein and vegetables to meals

4. Eat your vegetables and protein first

5. Eat fruits instead of having fruit juice

šŸ“Œ Carbs have the biggest impact on blood sugar

90% of carbs (rice, noodles, bread) get converted into sugar. Reducing the amount of carbs you eat will have a great impact on sugar control.

Sugar Response Graph
  1. Control your portion sizes

  • Portion size (especially of carbs) is directly related to blood sugar increase

  • You do not have to give up your favorite foods - by cutting down on portion sizes, you can already reduce the increase in blood sugar

  • The ideal portion of food groups per meal is Ā½ plate vegetables, Ā¼ plate protein and Ā¼ plate carbs


2. Swap out refined carbohydrates

  • Refined and processed carbs (white rice, white bread, snacks (e.g. potato chips) and sugary drinks) result in large increases in blood sugar

  • Whole grain options (brown rice, wholemeal bread) are digested less quickly due to their high fibre content - this means a smaller increase in blood sugar

Rice Brown
White Rice

3. Add protein and vegetables to meals

  • By adding vegetables and protein (e.g. meat, tofu, egg) to your meal, food is broken down less quickly, resulting in a smaller spike in sugar after your meal

  • Vegetables and protein also keep you full longer compared to carbs - this means less snacking!

Cai Fan Good
Cai Fan

4. Eat your vegetables and protein first

  • By eating vegetables and protein before carbs, you may feel full by the time you reach the carbs, which means fewer carbs consumed!

  • Breakdown of carbs is slowed when there is fibre, fat and protein mixed in, resulting in a slower rise in blood sugar level


5. Eat fruits instead of having fruit juice

  • Whole fruits contain fiber, which slows the absorption of glucose into the blood

  • Juices also contain a lot more sugar than whole fruit. 1 glass of orange juice is made from 4 oranges. That means you are taking 4 times the sugar when you drink a glass of orange juice compared to when you eat an orange

Try this out yourselves! Compare the difference in sugar levels before and after these simple changes you can make starting today!


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