Balance your blood glucose levels.

Balancing your glucose is critical to living a healthy life. Optimize your health with the NOVI Glucose Optimization Program.

There are so many benefits when your blood glucose is balanced.

These include maximized performance, improved mood, better skin, slower aging and weight loss.

  • The post-meal slump is something most of us have experienced at some point. This is because after consuming a high-carb meal, your blood glucose is elevated, which gives you a burst of energy. Your body then releases insulin to lower your blood sugar, which then causes you to feel tired. The more the insulin released, the more pronounced the crash will be

  • Blood sugar fluctuations could negatively impact your mood. Refined carbs are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. This leads to a rapid and dramatic spike in blood sugar levels, resulting in a jolt of energy and a mood uplift. The body will then secrete insulin to counter the rise in blood sugar levels. As insulin levels “catch up”, blood glucose levels will fall quickly. This creates a “crash and burn” effect associated with symptoms like fatigue and irritability.

  • Research has found that elevated blood sugar levels translate to higher levels of certain hormones such as  IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1). Unfortunately, IGF-1 has been revealed to predispose some people to acne. Higher sugar levels can also cause collagen damage due to glycation (aging). Stopping sugar spikes can help reduce glycation and mitigate its negative effects, therefore slowing down skin aging.

  • Blood sugar fluctuations could negatively impact your mood. Refined carbs are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. This leads to a rapid and dramatic spike in blood sugar levels, resulting in a jolt of energy and a mood uplift. The body will then secrete insulin to counter the rise in blood sugar levels. As insulin levels “catch up”, blood glucose levels will fall quickly. This creates a “crash and burn” effect associated with symptoms like fatigue and irritability.

Track your glucose levels and get an expert to review your readings.

How we can help

If you are feeling sluggish, feel that your mood swings are affecting your work, need help to lose weight, or simply want to improve your metabolic health, NOVI can help you take the first step to understand what is affecting your glucose, and take steps to make sustained improvements through our NOVI Glucose Optimization Program.

The program includes:

  • First is an Initial health consultation with your dietitian to better understand your health status and background. The consultation can be done in-person or via video call. This is so we can provide the most appropriate plan for you.

  • For 2 weeks, you will receive personalized professional guidance by a dedicated health coach.

  • You get 1 FreeStyle Libre CGM so you can monitor and log your glucose levels. Your coaches will review how your body reacts to the initial food and exercise plan and assess what would work best for you.

  • And end-of-program review helps you understand what works best for your body, which food will spike your sugar, and which ones will give you optimum health.

How it works

NOVI Health brings you a care team of experienced dietitians and professional fitness instructors who all specialize in glucose management to help you get into the best health possible.

1. Initial assessment by a dedicated dietitian 

You will have an initial consultation with your dietitian to better understand your health status, background, and health goals for a personalized plan.


2. Understand your body

Through the use of your CGM and by logging your food and physical activity, we will translate these data into actionable steps for you. This will give you a better idea of your body.

3. Remote coaching for 2 weeks

Your coach will check-in with you regularly for 2 weeks. They will be just a text message away, keeping you motivated and answering all your questions.

Action Plan.png

4. End of program review

At the end of your coaching, you’ll have a better understanding of your body and how it responds to diet and exercise. You can keep these healthy habits for life, even after the program.

Sign up for the NOVI Glucose Optimization Program for $199

The price includes:

  • 1 Initial consultation (in-person or via video call) with your dietitian to better understand your health status, background, and health goals to get you started.

  • 1 FreeStyle Libre sensor with free shipping to help log your glucose data that will be analyzed by your coach and translated into actionable steps towards a healthier you.

  • 2 weeks of digital health coaching and monitoring to help you make sense of your readings, keep you motivated, on-track.

  • End-of-program review by coach so you’ll have a better understanding of your body and how it responds to your personalized diet and exercise program.

 Take control. Invest in a healthier you today.

Meet your coaches

  • Anita Lai

    Senior Dietitian

  • Elizabeth Sin Tzun Chong

    Senior Dietitian

  • Mee Li Yap

    Senior Dietitian

  • Sylvester Goh

    Health Coach (Fitness)