What Are the Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre Supplements?


  • There are 2 different types of fiber: soluble and insoluble.

  • Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material; it's associated with lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.

  • Insoluble fiber does not dissolve with water. Instead, it absorbs moisture and sticks to other fecal material to form stool. This process helps with healthy, regular bowel movements.

  • Other benefits of adequate fiber consumption—26 grams daily for men and 20 grams for women—include increased bowel health, healthy weight maintenance, and a lower risk of chronic diseases.

  • Find it challenging to meet your fiber needs through whole foods? A fiber supplement like Fibrosol could help.

Dietary fibre is a type of carbohydrate that is essential to a healthy diet. Unfortunately, fibre deficiency is common for various reasons, including inadequate knowledge and reduced access to high fibre foods. Refined and processed foods are also low in fibre, which has become more problematic as the consumption of these foods has become more common. Furthermore, enriched foods, such as breakfast cereal, commonly have added iron and vitamin B, but not fibre. 

Unlike many other essential nutrients, fibre is not digested by your body. Instead, it passes through your body intact while providing benefits such as fullness, regular bowel movements, lowered cholesterol levels, and aid in controlling blood sugar levels. Not receiving enough fibre can increase your risk of chronic diseases and cause weight gain, constipation, and fatigue. 

Fortunately, you can increase your fibre intake naturally by being conscientious about your dietary choices. In addition, the best fibre supplements, such as Fibrosol, can also help you improve your fibre intake and reap the benefits of a fibre-sufficient diet. 

Learn more about fibre and Fibrosol uses below. 

Soluble and Insoluble Fibre

Fibre is classified as soluble or insoluble. Soluble fibre becomes a gel-like material once dissolved in water. This form of fibre is most commonly associated with reduced cholesterol and glucose levels, making it a critical nutrient if you manage diabetes or high cholesterol. 

Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water. It primarily provides digestive benefits and can be helpful if you suffer from irregular stools, hard stools, constipation, or unintended weight gain. 

If you are searching for the best fibre supplement to add to your diet, soluble dietary fibre makes up 85 percent of Fibrosol. This makes taking a Fibrosol supplement very beneficial if you are interested in better control over your cholesterol or sugar levels. 

Health Benefits of Getting Enough Fibre 

High-fibre diets provide a lot of health benefits, including: 

  • Normalized bowel movements: Fibre softens stools and increases their weight and size, reducing your risk of constipation. Adequate fibre intake can also solidify watery or loose stools, reducing the risk of diarrhea. 

  • Increased bowel health: Fibre helps improve your bowel health by reducing your risk of hemorrhoids, colon disease, and colorectal cancer. 

  • Reduced cholesterol levels: High fibre lowers low-density lipoprotein – the “bad” cholesterol. 

  • Better control of blood sugar levels: Soluble fibre can improve blood sugar levels and help to slow the absorption of sugar. This can help you prevent the development of type 2 diabetes or manage your diabetes. 

  • Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight: Fibre helps you stay full longer, reducing food cravings and providing more energy throughout the day.  

  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Adequate fibre intake can help reduce your risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, diverticular disease, and types of cancers. 

What is the Recommended Daily Fibre Intake? 

The amount of fibre you need each day depends on your age and gender. According to Singapore’s Health Promotion Board:

  • Men are recommended to take 26 grams of fibre each day. 

  • Women should receive approximately 20 grams of fibre per day. 

This equates to 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables per day.

Dietary Sources of Fibre 

Dietary sources of fibre

Dietary fibre is found in a variety of common foods. However, it would help if you took the time to compare the nutrition facts of each brand for their exact fibre content. Some of the best high-fibre foods include: 

  • One cup of boiled split peas – 16 grams 

  • One cup of boiled lentils – 15.5 grams

  • One cup of boiled black beans – 15 grams 

  • One cup of canned black beans – 10 grams 

  • One ounce of chia seeds – 10 grams 

  • One cup of raspberries – 8 grams 

  • One cup of wholewheat, cooked spaghetti – 6 grams 

  • One medium pear – 5.5 grams 

  • One cup of chopped broccoli – 5 grams 

  • One medium baked potato with skin – 5 grams 

  • One medium apple with skin – 4.5 grams 

If you manage high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, choosing healthier snack alternatives is also recommended.

How Can a Fibre Supplement Like Fibrosol Help? 

Fibrosol is a soluble fibre supplement that you can add to your foods and drinks without affecting the taste of your meal. A Fibrosol review shows that this dietary supplement provides 4.5 grams of fibre per sachet. So, if you’re struggling to receive an adequate intake of fibre each day, Fibrosol can help you reap the benefits of a high-fibre diet. 

Fibrosol has been proven to: 

  • Reduce triglyceride and blood glucose increases following a meal.  

  • Reduce flatulence and bloating

  • Increase microflora for a healthy gut 

  • Increase stool consistency and regularity 

Source: Fibrosol

The Bottom Line 

Fibre is an essential nutrient that provides protection against several health conditions and can help you manage certain chronic diseases, such as high cholesterol and diabetes. If you’re struggling to get enough fibre in your diet, Fibrosol can help. 

Fibrosol use can increase your overall fibre intake. Learn more about how Fibrosol can help.


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