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Is body cleanse detox just a fad?

Key Takeaways

  • You may have heard of “detox” and “body cleanse” diets which promise a quick fix for weight loss and overall health.

  • However, there's limited scientific evidence to support their effectiveness for weight loss or detoxification. 

  • Sustainable weight loss involves a holistic approach, which includes nutrition, exercise and proper health coaching.

  • Always consult your doctor before starting any restrictive diet program.

The world of wellness is full of trendy terms like "body cleanse" and "detox diet," promising a quick fix for weight loss and overall health. But before you jump on the detox bandwagon, let's explore the facts and separate them from fiction.

What are Cleanses and Detox Diets?

Cleanse and detox programs typically involve short-term dietary restrictions aimed at eliminating toxins from the body. You might have heard about the following:

Juice Cleanses or Liquid-only Detox

This detox program only allows you to consume juices or liquid meals for several days. Sometimes it involves consuming juices or liquids along with dietary supplements. Some claim that this “cleanses” the colon. 


This means abstaining from all food for a specific timeframe. It may include intermittent fasting, which involves alternating between fasting and eating on a regular schedule

Supplement Cleanses

This involves focusing on taking detoxifying supplements alongside a modified diet.

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Do cleanses and detox diets help you lose weight?

Here’s the short answer: There is a lack of regulation and monitoring within the detox industry. And to date, there's limited scientific evidence to support their effectiveness for weight loss or detoxification. Your body has its own built-in detox system – your liver and kidneys – which efficiently remove waste products.

Let’s expound on that.

There are very few scientific studies that have investigated whether detox diets truly impact weight loss. 

Some of you may argue that you have a friend, a relative or a relative’s neighbor “swear by” cleanses and detox diets. To a certain extent, some people may have lost weight quickly while on a detox diet. However, this is likely due to loss of fluid and muscle breakdown – not really body fat loss. Once they stop the cleanse, there is a high chance that the weight may be regained rather quickly. This type of weight loss is not sustainable, hence the rapid weight regain.

A study examined the effects of a 7-day lemon detox diet consisting of organic maple syrups and lemon juice on overweight Korean women. Results revealed that the 7-day detox diet did reduce body weight, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio and circumference, along with body fat percentage, insulin resistance and circulating leptin levels. Typically, severe calorie restriction would result in weight loss – however, this is not what you would consider sustainable weight loss. 

Potential Benefits of a Body Cleanse Detox

While detox diets themselves lack strong scientific backing for their overall claims, some aspects they promote can be beneficial for health. 

These include avoiding processed foods, which are often loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium. Additionally, they may encourage people to choose foods lower in heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which can accumulate in the body and potentially harm health. Detox diets also often emphasize increased water intake, which is crucial for overall health and bodily functions.

Finally, detox cleanse diets, by emphasizing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can encourage a dietary shift towards healthier options. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all crucial for good health.

Body Cleanse Detox Safety and Side Effects

As cleanses and detox diets are normally restrictive, you also need to weigh their possible side effects, which may include: 

Nutrient Deficiencies

Cleanse diets are typically restrictive, eliminating entire food groups or significantly limiting calorie intake. This can lead to deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Restrictive diets can increase the risk of micronutrient deficiencies, impacting overall health.

Muscle Loss

Cleanses often involve drastic calorie reduction, which can put your body in a state of calorie deficit. When this happens, the body may start to break down muscle tissue for energy, leading to muscle loss. Muscle plays a crucial role in metabolism, so this can have a negative impact on your body's ability to burn calories. Loss of lean muscle mass could make it more difficult to lose weight, causing a weight loss plateau. Further, lean body mass loss could increase the risk of sarcopenia or low muscle mass and impaired muscle function.

Digestive Issues

The rapid shift in diet associated with cleanses can disrupt the gut microbiome, the balance of bacteria in your digestive system. This disruption can lead to digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.

Risks for People with Diabetes

Cleanse diets can significantly impact blood sugar control. This is especially risky for people with diabetes who rely on medication to manage their condition. The restricted calorie intake and potential changes in carbohydrate intake during a cleanse can disrupt blood sugar levels and potentially lead to complications. As with any diet, it is important to consult your doctor.

At-risk individuals such as older adults, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, those with eating disorders, and those who are malnourished should not start body cleanse detox programs or other calorie-restricting regimens without checking in with their doctors.

Sustainable Weight Loss through a Holistic Approach

Calorie restriction is a common thread among weight loss diets, but the key lies in finding a healthy and sustainable approach.  Since our bodies and preferences vary, a one-size-fits-all solution doesn't exist.  The best diet will ensure you get enough nutrients while reducing calories. Focus on finding a plan that feels good and you can stick with for the long haul.

Remember, exercise also plays a vital role in weight management. It burns calories and helps maintain lean muscle mass, which keeps your metabolism humming and supports long-term health.

A professional healthcare team can help you find a diet and exercise plan that fits your personal lifestyle and greatly improve the chances of achieving and maintaining your health goals.

NOVI Optimum Plus offers medical doctor guidance and weight loss medication, combined with personalized nutrition & fitness coaching and progress tracking via an app, to help you achieve sustainable results.