Traveling with GLP-1 RAs
Key Takeaways
You can bring GLP-1 RA pens on a plane. Keep them in their original packaging and declare them to the officer at airport security.
It’s recommended to use a portable medical cooler to keep your medication refrigerated while you travel, to avoid exposing it to high temperatures that could damage it.
Skipping doses of a GLP-1 RA for a trip is generally not recommended, as it interferes with the development of long-term healthy habits.
If you stop taking your medication and then restart it, you may experience side effects similar to what you experienced when you first started taking it.
Delaying your medication by a day or two for a long flight or an important event like a wedding is usually okay, but you should talk with your doctor before deciding to do this.
GLP-1 RAs work best when used in combination with healthy lifestyle changes, like exercise and a healthy diet. They’re not a substitute for these factors, but a way to supplement them.
Bringing your GLP-1 RAs for vacation or other travel
Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, or GLP-1 RAs, are medications that can be used to treat diabetes or to promote weight loss. As the popularity of these medications has soared in recent years, more people have been thinking about how to integrate them into their lives. Once a person has started taking a GLP-1 RA, they may wonder whether they can bring it with them when they go on a trip. Whether you’re traveling to take a vacation, for business, or to visit family, you’ll need to consider how to manage your GLP-1 RA during your travels.
It’s definitely possible to travel with a GLP-1 RA. There are a few things that you’ll need to consider to ensure that your medication remains effective during and after your trip.
Can you bring your GLP-1 RA pen on a plane?
Many GLP-1 RAs are given by injection. These medications come in the form of “pens,” which are pre-filled syringes for injection. Many patients aren’t sure whether it’s legal to bring a syringe onto a plane.
In fact, it is permitted to bring GLP-1 RA pens – or syringes for injecting other legally prescribed medications – onto a plane. When you get to airport security, you’ll need to let the security officer know that you’re carrying a prescription medication, so they can inspect it properly. You may need to demonstrate that you possess the medication legitimately. When you travel with your GLP-1 RA, keep it in its original packaging. Some airports may ask to see your prescription, so it’s a good idea to carry a copy of this if possible. It’s not always required, but security officers may sometimes ask for it.
GLP-1 RA syringes do contain liquid. However, because this is a prescription medication, you should pack it separately from your other carry-on liquids. It will not count towards your limit on liquids, and should not go into the 1 L bag with your other containers. Instead, it should be kept separate and specifically declared to airport security. It’s okay for the medication to pass through the airport scanner – this will not harm it. However, you can request a hand inspection if you’d rather not pass the medication through the scanner.
For many GLP-1 RAs, refrigerating the medication is recommended in order to maintain its effectiveness. There are portable medical cooling cases that you can use to keep it refrigerated during a long flight. It’s a good idea to use one of these, to help keep your medication fresh for as long as possible. Even though it’s generally okay for the medication to be out of the refrigerator for a few days, temperatures during travel can vary, sometimes unpredictably. Keeping your medication in a cooler will help to protect it.
Never put any prescription medication in your checked baggage. The temperature and pressure in the baggage hold are not regulated like they are in the airplane cabin, and this can affect medications, causing them to lose their effectiveness. In addition, you don’t want to risk losing your medication if your checked bag is delayed or lost. It will likely be impossible to replace it when you arrive at your destination. It’s always safer to keep all prescription medications, including your GLP-1 RAs, in your carry-on bags.
Can you skip your GLP-1 RAs medication while on vacation?
Sometimes, people are tempted to skip their GLP-1 RAs when they go on a trip. Some people may be concerned about the hassle of trying to travel with the medication, and just don’t want to deal with it. Others would like to indulge in eating while on their trip, and may want to stop their medication temporarily so that their appetite is not suppressed and they can eat more.
In general, you should never skip doses of any medication for any reason without consulting with your doctor first. If you’re thinking about doing so, talk with your doctor about your desire to skip a dose and your reasons for this.
It’s usually not recommended to skip your GLP-1 RA while you’re on vacation. Keep in mind that these are long-term treatments, and it takes time for the medication to build up in your body. When you skip your medication, it will then take some extra time for the medication to build up again. If you miss multiple doses in a row, you might even need to start over from the smallest dose and work your way back up, as you did when you first started the medication. It’s much better to stay on track with your treatment plan, rather than to set yourself back like this.
It’s understandable to want to enjoy food while on vacation. However, it’s not recommended to quit your medication in order to indulge in unhealthy eating on a trip. The goal of taking the medication is to build sustainable healthy habits over time. When you deliberately fall back into old habits of overeating, this is taking a step backwards, and could even set you up for failure over the long term. It’s better to keep building on your momentum and strengthening your healthy habits, so you can maintain these over the years to come.
Instead, focus on enjoying your smaller portions as much as possible. If you really want to eat a particular sugary, fatty, or fried food while on vacation, try taking just a few bites. Savor each bite thoroughly, chewing slowly and concentrating on enjoying the food. You may find that just a few bites satisfies you when you take the time to fully experience the food like this. Even if you used to eat huge portions of unhealthy foods, you might find that you’re now able to satisfy your craving with much less.
Keep in mind that GLP-1 RAs affect the brain, reducing cravings. You might find that you no longer crave unhealthy foods, even on vacation. Some people expect to be very tempted, but find that they simply no longer have much interest in certain foods that used to be irresistible to them. You might be surprised by how easy it is to avoid these foods, even if you’re surrounded by them while on vacation. With the “food noise” in your brain quieted down by the GLP-1 RA, you’re free to focus on enjoying other aspects of your trip instead.
Some people experience side effects like nausea and diarrhea within the first day or two after each dose. In some situations, such as when on a long flight, it may be inconvenient to be experiencing these symptoms. If your dose is due on the day of your flight, it’s generally okay to wait a day and take it a little bit late, to avoid dealing with the side effects on the plane. Similarly, you could delay it by a day for a major event, like a wedding. Talk with your doctor about your plan before you make the decision to do this, to make sure that they agree that it’s a safe plan for you.
What happens if you skip your GLP-1 RAs dose?
The half-life of a medication is the length of time that it takes your body to clear half of the medication from your system. The half-life of GLP-1 RAs differs depending on the specific medication. For semaglutide, the half-life is 165 hours, which is about a week. For dulaglutide, it’s about 90 hours, while liraglutide, it’s about 13 to 15 hours. Various factors can affect the half-life inside of an individual’s body, such as the person’s age, metabolism, and any medical conditions they have. The half-life for you may be somewhat different from the average, based on these factors.
If you skip a dose of your GLP-1 RA, it will take a while for your body to completely get rid of the medication. You won’t immediately stop feeling the effects. It’s still recommended that you do your best not to skip any doses, because the medication works best when the levels are kept relatively consistent in the body. However, even if you skip a dose, the medication will still be present in your body. You won’t suddenly be able to eat an enormous meal of rich foods without feeling side effects. The truth is that you can’t simply take a day off from a GLP-1 RA.
When a person first starts a GLP-1 RA, they often experience side effects. These are mainly related to the digestive system, such as nausea. As the body gets used to the medication, these side effects typically diminish or disappear. If you take a break from your medication and then start taking it again, you may experience the same side effects that you experienced when you first started taking it. It will take some time for your body to get used to the medication again. Staying consistent with taking your medication avoids the need to go through this process again.
How to store your GLP-1 RAs
Each GLP-1 RA is a little bit different. The medications come with detailed inserts that explain how to store the medication properly. It’s best to read the insert for your particular medication in order to be sure that you understand how to store it. You can ask your medical team any questions that you may have about the information in the insert.
Injectable GLP-1 RAs should generally be stored in the refrigerator. This protects the medication and helps it to last longer. They can be out of the refrigerator for up to 28 days, but if they stay unrefrigerated for longer than this, the medication will have to be discarded – even if the expiration date has not yet passed. It’s better to keep it in the refrigerator, although you can let it warm up to room temperature before injecting if this is more comfortable for you.
It’s also important to ensure that the temperature of the medication never exceeds 30°C. While you’re traveling, the temperature around you can be unpredictable. This is why it’s safer to use a medical cooler to take your GLP-1 RA with you when you travel, rather than simply placing it unrefrigerated in your bag. You might find yourself in a hot environment, and you don’t want your medication to be damaged.
Once you get to your destination, try to find a refrigerator to keep your medication in. You can potentially leave it on your nightstand overnight before injection if you’d like. Avoid keeping it in the bathroom, as bathrooms typically get very warm when a person showers.
Rybelsus tablets do not need to be refrigerated. However, they should be kept in their original bottle. The bottle cap contains a drying agent, which helps to protect the tablets from moisture. Keeping the tablets in their bottle, rather than placing them into a pill organizer or other container, will help to protect them.