5 Workout Tips for Women Over 40

Key Takeaways

  • Women in their 40s see a lot of changes in their body - including belly fat, lower energy levels, and reduced muscle mass

  • Updating your workout is essential to counteract these age-related changes 

  • It is recommended to work with a personal trainer who understands the needs of women over 40 and can tailor your fitness program.

As you step into your 40s, it’s natural to notice changes in your body. Whether it’s the stubborn belly fat, dwindling energy levels, or challenges in mental clarity, these shifts can be frustrating. 

In your 40s, your body undergoes significant changes – metabolism slows, muscle mass decreases, and bone density may decline, especially in women. Your body’s evolution (and evolving needs) necessitates adjustments to your workouts. 

This is why many women struggle with getting back in shape, particularly targeting belly fat, and dealing with reduced energy levels – the workout that used to work for them in their younger years no longer addresses the “new” pain points. 

The Importance of Exercise

Exercise is important at any age, but it’s especially important as you get older. Why? A study revealed that women in their 40s and 50s who are physically active have a better health-related quality of life.

Regular physical activity has been found to increase longevity, decrease risk of cardiorespiratory and metabolic diseases and some cancers, maintain energy balance, and improve musculoskeletal, functional and mental health. Exercise can also alleviate symptoms of menopause

However, before starting any new workout regimen, especially if you have existing medical conditions such as hypertension, arthritis, or diabetes, it’s important to consult with your doctor. A healthcare professional can provide personalized advice, ensuring that your exercise routine is safe and effective.

In addition, creating or finding a safe environment to exercise is key. Whether you prefer a gym, your own home workout area, or an outdoor space, ensure the location is safe and equipped with the necessary gear that you need. 

Workouts You Should Do

1. Warmups

Starting with a proper warmup prepares your muscles and joints for exercise, reduces the risk of injury, and improves performance. Injuries can be serious, especially as we age. It becomes harder to bounce back or push through them, and recovery takes longer.

Some warm-up exercises include dynamic stretching, light cardio, arm circles, and leg swings. 

2. Exercises that Increase Your Flexibility and Mobility

When it comes to exercises that focus your flexibility and mobility, focus on medium intensity to reduce strain on joints and lower the risk of injury. These exercises also improve balance and posture and help you lift better, run faster, and get the most out of your workouts, in general.

Examples of exercises that increase flexibility and mobility are yoga, Pilates, and stretching routines that focus on hamstrings, hips, and lower back. 

3. Resistance or Strength Training 

A risk factor of osteoporosis is menopause, which occurs in women over 40 years of age. As decreased estrogen levels lead to weaker bones, strength training is particularly important. In addition, women’s body composition also changes – you will notice that you are putting on more body fat (especially across the midsection) and losing muscle. Weight-bearing exercises, like lifting dumbbells or using resistance bands, help build bone density and muscle mass, which are critical for maintaining a strong, healthy body.

4. Isolation Exercises

Isolation exercises target specific muscle groups, helping you build strength without overloading your joints. Useful for addressing muscle imbalances that may develop with age, they also do not consume a lot of energy, which allows for faster recovery. Some examples of isolation exercises are bicep curls, tricep extensions, and leg curls. 

5. High-intensity Interval Training

HIIT stands for “high-intensity interval training”. It’s a type of cardio that alternates between work intervals (where your heart rate reaches or exceeds 85% of the maximal value) and lower-intensity rest intervals, which can consist of active recovery (continuing to exercise at a very low intensity) or passive recovery (stopping exercise and resting completely).

A HIIT workout forces your body to tap into the anaerobic energy pathways to produce the ATP or energy it needs to fuel the activity. As a result, your metabolic rate will remain elevated, and you’ll burn more calories (compared to steady-state training) even after wrapping up a HIIT workout.

HIIT workouts also build and maintain muscle mass – essential for women over 40 A 2023 study published in Sport and Exercise Nutrition found a 3-month HIIT regimen prevented the loss of muscle mass caused by a hypocaloric Mediterranean diet. In addition, several studies have found HIIT effective at promoting muscle growth.

Many studies also indicate that HIIT could improve glycemic control in population groups with and without type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Exercises that You Should Avoid

As you age, your body might not recover as quickly as it used to. Avoid high-impact activities that can strain your joints, such as running on hard surfaces, jumping exercises, or heavy lifting without proper form. Listening to your body and avoiding overtraining.

Enlisting the help of a personal trainer can be a game-changer as these professionals can create a tailored workout plan that aligns with your fitness goals, and takes into account any limitations or medical conditions, and ensures that you’re performing exercises correctly and safely.

Take a Holistic Approach to Being Healthier

While exercise is a vital component of staying healthy after 40, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Nutrition, sleep, stress management, and other lifestyle factors play equally important roles. 

NOVI PT Plus combines expertise from doctors, and fitness trainers to create a personalized, holistic plan that helps you reach your health goals. Experienced personal trainers will design and guide you through effective workouts, ensuring proper form and technique. In addition, you will also get holistic guidance, ongoing remote support and progress tracking throughout the program.


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