Yoga and Weight Loss

Key Takeaways

  • Yoga integrates physical activity with mindfulness and stress reduction techniques.

  • By holding poses and flowing through sequences, practitioners engage multiple muscle groups, promoting strength, endurance, and flexibility.

  • Yoga also cultivates mindfulness, a key component of successful weight management.

  • However, before starting yoga, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any medical conditions or injuries.

In a world where weight loss trends come and go, yoga still stands out as a timeless practice that not only promotes physical health but also supports mental well-being. Beyond the serene postures and calming breaths, yoga is known to offer a holistic approach to weight loss and fitness – but how true is this?

In this article, we take a look at the “transformative power” of yoga, exploring its ability to aid weight loss, build core strength, sculpt a six-pack, and deliver a myriad of indirect benefits.

Yoga and Weight Loss

Can yoga really help you lose weight?

Yoga's effectiveness in weight management lies not only in its physical aspects but also in its holistic approach to well-being. Unlike high-intensity workouts that primarily focus on calorie expenditure, yoga integrates physical activity with mindfulness and stress reduction techniques.

Does it really offer the same results as high-intensity interval training (HIIT workouts)?

The sustained postures and controlled movements in yoga may not result in the same immediate calorie burn as intense cardio exercises. They would be a less than ideal choice of exercise from a weight management perspective. However, yoga offers unique benefits. By holding poses and flowing through sequences, practitioners engage multiple muscle groups, promoting strength, endurance, and flexibility. 

Beyond that, yoga cultivates mindfulness. But what does mindfulness have to do with weight loss?

Mindfulness is a key component of successful weight management. Through breath awareness and present moment focus, practitioners develop a heightened sense of awareness regarding their body's needs and signals. This mindfulness extends beyond the mat and into everyday life, influencing food choices and our eating habits. By paying attention to hunger and satiety cues, individuals are less likely to indulge in mindless eating or emotional snacking, leading to better food choices and portion control.

One study suggests that individuals who develop mindfulness through yoga may be better equipped to resist unhealthy foods and resort to comfort eating as they are likely more in tune when their body signals when they are full. By slowing down and savoring each bite, individuals can cultivate a deeper appreciation for food and develop a heightened awareness of hunger and satiety cues. Mindful eating reduces overeating, promotes better digestion, and supports weight loss goals by fostering a healthier relationship with food.

Another study showed that mindfulness training which comes with yoga practice has positive short-term benefits when it comes to binge eating and physical activity. However, the study did not directly indicate a significant effect on weight loss.

Yoga and Building Core Strength

Can yoga build core strength? The answer is a straightforward yes. But how?

At the heart of yoga's core-strengthening prowess lies its repertoire of poses, or asanas, which systematically engage and challenge the muscles of the abdomen, back, and pelvis. These poses require not only physical strength but also mental focus and balance, making them effective tools for developing a strong and stable core.

Take the plank pose for example, a staple in many yoga sequences. In plank pose, the practitioner supports their body weight on their hands or forearms while keeping the body in a straight line from head to heels. This position requires activation of the entire core, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques, to maintain stability and alignment. Holding plank pose for extended periods strengthens these muscles, leading to improved core strength and endurance over time.

Similarly, boat pose (Navasana) challenges the core muscles by requiring the practitioner to balance on their sitting bones while lifting their legs and torso off the ground. This seated posture targets the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis, as well as the hip flexors and lower back muscles. Boat pose not only strengthens the core but also improves balance and concentration, making it a valuable addition to any yoga practice.

Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III) is another pose that builds core strength while simultaneously improving balance and coordination. In this pose, the practitioner stands on one leg while extending the opposite leg and torso parallel to the ground, forming a T shape with the body. The core muscles engage to stabilize the spine and pelvis, while the standing leg works to support the body's weight. Warrior III not only strengthens the core but also tones the legs and improves overall body awareness.

Beyond individual poses, the dynamic flow of many yoga sequences also contributes to core strength development. Flowing sequences, such as Sun Salutations, often include poses that engage the core in various planes of movement, fostering strength, flexibility, and endurance throughout the entire core region.

In addition to physical benefits, a strong core enhances posture, balance, and overall functional fitness. By stabilizing the spine and pelvis, a strong core reduces the risk of injury during physical activities and supports proper alignment in everyday movements. Moreover, core strength is essential for maintaining balance and stability in yoga poses and other activities, making it a fundamental aspect of overall health and well-being.

A study has demonstrated the some yoga poses (asanas) were able to bring about significant changes on the core muscle strengths of moderately active students. Another study showed that participants who practiced Isha Hatha yoga, a form of yoga that practitioners believe can improve health, showed significant improvements in core strength and balance.

Other Benefits of Yoga


Meditation is an important aspect of yoga practice. Mindfulness meditation enhances self-awareness, enabling one to recognize and address emotional triggers for overeating or unhealthy habits. By fostering a sense of inner calm and clarity, meditation complements the physical aspects of yoga, promoting holistic wellness.

Managing Stress

Stress is a significant contributor to weight gain and difficulty in losing weight. Yoga serves as a stress management tool, offering techniques such as deep breathing, relaxation, and meditation to alleviate tension and promote relaxation. By reducing cortisol levels and promoting a state of calmness, yoga helps in managing and reducing stress, anxiety and depression, thereby supporting weight loss efforts. A study among 52 women showed that yoga is effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Tips Before Starting Yoga

Before embarking on a yoga journey for weight loss, remember to approach it with care and consideration, especially if you have medical conditions or injuries.

Consult with a healthcare professional

Before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or injuries, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide holistic and personalized advice based on your individual health status, ensuring that yoga is safe and beneficial for you.

Start gradually and listen to your body's signals

Yoga is not about pushing yourself to the limit but rather about building strength, flexibility, and mindfulness over time. Start with beginner-friendly classes or routines and gradually increase the intensity as your body becomes more accustomed to the practice. Pay attention to your body's signals and respect your body’s limits to prevent injury.

Choose appropriate classes for your fitness level

There are various styles and levels of yoga practice available. These range from gentle restorative yoga to more vigorous power yoga. Carefully choose classes that align with your current fitness level and goals. This ensures that you can progress safely and effectively without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.

Invest in quality yoga attire and equipment

While yoga can be practiced with minimal equipment, investing in quality attire and equipment can enhance your comfort and support during practice. Choose breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that allow for freedom of movement and invest in a good yoga mat to provide stability and cushioning for your joints.

Stay hydrated and fuel your body with nutritious foods

Proper hydration and nutrition are essential components of any fitness regimen, including yoga. If you’re considering consuming fruit juices and smoothies to cap off your yoga session – well, that may not be a good idea

Instead, drink plenty of water before, during, and after your practice to stay hydrated. Additionally, fuel your body with nutritious foods that support your energy levels and weight loss goals, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. 

Embrace consistency and patience

Yoga is a journey of self-discovery and transformation that requires consistency and patience. Don't expect instant results, but rather focus on the process and the positive changes happening within your body and mind over time. 

If you are looking for a sustainable way to lose weight and get fitter, you might want to check out NOVI Optimum for Weight Loss

This weight loss program offers personalized nutrition and fitness plans and continuous digital support to help you achieve sustainable results. From eating to exercise, your coach will develop a holistic plan personalized for you. 

You’ll receive support and guidance from NOVI’s dietitians and fitness coaches. In addition, you get digital access to your health team via NOVIFY, our mobile app, to make it easier for you to keep on track, tweak your program as you progress, and help you stay motivated.


10 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss


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