3 Medium Intensity Exercises That’ll Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts
Working out can help accelerate your weight loss efforts, especially if you are starting to see diminishing results from dietary modifications.
Try incorporating these 3 medium intensity workouts into your routine!
Exercise 1 - 30 minute full body cardio HIIT
A quick full body workout that you can squeeze in whenever you have 30 minutes to spare.
Exercise 2 - Intermediate cardio workout
Another 30 minute cardio workout to add some variation to your workout routine.
Exercise 3 - 20 minute HIIT workout
A short 20 minutes workout for those busy days!
Keep up the momentum
Ideally you should be aiming for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. If you find it challenging to stay committed, try finding a friend or two to workout together. It will make the process much more enjoyable.
Switching your workout regularly helps to keep things interesting. So if you like to challenge yourself, check out these 3 high intensity exercises.
Not losing weight?
If you are facing a roadblock in your weight loss journey, our professional coaches can help you evaluate your diet and exercise, craft a personalised plan for you, and support you digitally via our mobile app. Check out our digital health coaching program - NOVI Optimum for more information.