Weight Loss NOVI Team Weight Loss NOVI Team

Why You Can’t Rely on Willpower to Lose Weight

The CICO model suggests that willpower is all an individual needs to lose weight. However, a commonly overlooked fact is that the CICO model is imperfect because not all calories are processed and absorbed the same way. According to the dual intervention point model, non-motivation-related factors influencing weight loss include biological mechanisms and environmental influences.

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Longevity Testing NOVI Team Longevity Testing NOVI Team

What is Apolipoprotein B?

Apolipoprotein B, or ApoB, is a component of multiple different high-risk lipoproteins, including LDL and VLDL. Measuring ApoB allows you to determine the number of LDL and VLDL particles in your bloodstream, providing a more accurate measurement of your heart disease risk than total LDL cholesterol.

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Weight Loss NOVI Team Weight Loss NOVI Team

Bouncing Back After the Chinese New Year Feast

While it’s natural to enjoy the abundance of traditional foods during the Chinese New Year, resetting your health goals post-Chinese New Year is still important. Remember though that this is not about guilt but about taking sustainable steps to regain balance and prioritize your well-being.

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